Plastic-enabled page

This page shows how you can use an embedded applet and JavaScript to access applications through Plastic from a web page. This simple example is limited to sending VOTables and FITS images to applications and receiving them in return. All the following are standard html controls.

If the Plastic Hub is not running, then run the Workbench or your Plastic Hub of choice to start it.

Sending Tables

Enter a URL to a VOTable in the textbox below.
Click on any icons appearing below to send the VOTable to that application.

If there are no applications listed, you might like to start some Plastic-compatible applications by trying the examples on this page. Topcat would be a good choice.

Sending Images

Enter a URL to a FITS image in the textbox below.
Click on any icons appearing below to send the image to that application.

If there are no applications listed, you might like to start some Plastic-compatible applications by trying the examples on this page. Aladin would be a good choice.

Receiving Tables and FITS images

None yet - try sending me one.
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