VO-enabled version of xmdv-lite

xmdv screen shot

Xmdv-tool is a visualisation tool from Matthew Ward's group at WPI.  I've VO-enabled it using the Astro Runtime and packaged it using Java Web Start to make it easier to install.

Download and run AstroXMDV

You will also need to download and start the Astro Runtime to take advantage of the ability to load files from MySpace and interoperate with other applications via PLASTIC.

Download and start the Astro Runtime.

Once the AR has started, the File/Open From MySpace menu item will allow you to download files from your MySpace. These files can be VOTables, tabular FITs files, or anything else that STIL understands, or xmdv's native .okc format.
Be warned that often the browse myspace dialog does not appear at the front and you sometimes need to hunt for it.
This version of xmdv has also been PLASTIC enabled.
Please report problems to John Taylor